Each item will be carefully and meticulously reviewed and researched by our team based on data and current trends in the market. So you will have the confidence to purchase it. Without worrying that it is low quality or not worth-it with your hard-earned money. Security is one of our priorities so you will be sure that the items we recommend all come from trusted shops in the marketplace.
We know that we are living in a fast pace environment so it's our duty to help you find the necessary items that you are looking for without scrolling the long page of the eCommerce platform.
Our recommended items have typically come from Lazada and Shopee, we just compiled it in a form of a list this is posted on the blogsite, Facebook page, and Youtube channel based on the ratings in the marketplace.
Every week we will be posting the top 10 finds in Lazada and Shopee it could range from categories like home items, gadgets, appliances, bike accessories, and many more and this will be available on our blogsite, Youtube Channel, and Shoppiverse PH Facebook page so stay tuned for more posting of items and budol finds you can see on Shopee and Lazada Philippines.